Article Highlights:
Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the IRS was getting refunds out swiftly and responded to calls and correspondence in a reasonable amount of time. However, COVID-19 brought about a perfect storm of delays, initially caused by employees having to stay home because lockdowns prevented processing centers from operating and workers from going to their offices. And in most instances, IRS employees could not work from home because of the secure nature of their tasks and the IRS’s computer system.
Congress also heaped more work on the IRS by making the service responsible for distributing the economic recovery payments (stimulus payments), not just once but three times. Plus, Congress made retroactive tax changes, which required the IRS to modify already filed tax returns. Bottom line: it has been a rough couple of years for the IRS, and it is taking a long time for them to catch up.
More recently, Congress mandated paying eligible taxpayers 50% of their child tax credit for 2021, estimated based on the 2020 return information, in six monthly installments from July through December, placing an additional burden on IRS resources.
For those who hadn’t filed their 2020 return yet, the third economic recovery payment and the advance child tax credit payments were based on their 2019 tax return. But as people filed their 2020 returns, the IRS needed to recalculate the amounts of the payments so that taxpayers weren’t shorted. These do-overs take away time that otherwise could be spent working through the backlog of correspondence and amended returns for prior years and processing the 2020 returns being filed on extension.
One of the IRS watchdogs, National Taxpayer Advocate Erin Collins, applauded the IRS in her mid-year report to Congress for processing most returns in a timely manner and issuing most of the economic recovery payments despite all of its added responsibilities.
According to the advocate, the IRS did not have time to adjust its systems for the last-minute Dec. 27, 2020, legislation that made changes for the 2021 filing season. This required the IRS to manually verify the returns for which the taxpayer elected to use their 2019 earned income to claim the 2020 earned income tax credit or the additional child tax credit. Unlike prior years, the IRS had to deal with a large volume of returns requiring manual reviews. At the end of the 2021 tax season, the IRS had over 35 million individual and business returns backlogged.
But the IRS is chipping away at the logjam. As of the end of July 2021, the backlog was down to 13.8 million returns.
So, if you are caught up in the gridlock, not much can be done except to be patient. But there’s some good news – if the IRS owes you a refund that’s been delayed, they’ll likely pay you interest at the annual rate of 3%.
There are not enough IRS employees to field all the calls about “Where is my refund?” or other issues, and anyone who does get through on the phone is lucky. Most spend hours on hold and never get through.
We are not trying to make excuses for the IRS but just letting you know what the problems are and that it may be a bit longer for them to catch up. Let us know if we can help.
The level of care that Barklee provides for our firm and clients is second to none. Jeremy and his team always complete their work on time and to the highest standard. He has become a trusted advisor that we can reach out to when our clients have special needs.
Jeremy is one of the most stand up, honest, encouraging, and proactive individuals my husband and I have ever met. We’ve used Jeremy to help us with taxes, as well as counsel us through the home buying process, as our lender required specific financial data that we weren’t able to supply on our own. Transitioning from a full time teacher to independent contractor was scary, but Jeremy was there every step of the way to walk us through the big change and assure us that we were filing our taxes correctly and that my new business was being run correctly.
He also has given us great peace of mind financially throughout our pre-qualification journey and we couldn’t have done it without him. We are ever grateful for the investment Jeremy has made in our financial wellness and ultimately in our family.
We are looking forward to using Barklee Financial Group for our 2022 taxes. Jeremy is clearly knowledgeable and is always happy to help answer any questions we might have. Everything is digital which is a huge bonus to us as well. We would recommend to anyone needing a CPA, even for business purposes!
Jeremy is incredibly knowledgeable about small business and how to help them shore up their back office to become more successful on the frontline.
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Business Accounting & Taxes
11903 Frankford Ave. Suite 200
Lubbock, Texas 79424